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  1. NEVER be late for your interview. Don’t be too early either. Plan to walk into the company’s office 15 minutes before the interview time.
  2. Dress nicely and maintain a neat and tidy appearance. First impression counts a lot.
  3. Smile and greet the interviewer warmly. The interviewer is a human being and these things matter.
  4. Find out as much as you can about the company before the interview. It is an advantage for you during the interview and important to you in your career decision. If you know of the good strong points of the company, don’t hesitate to mention this as to why you like to work in the company. This approach will give you an edge over the other candidates.
  5. Once you sense the interviewer is interested in hiring you, don’t oversell yourself and overstay your interview.
  6. Within the first 10 minutes, the interviewer would probably have decided whether to hire you. The interviewer may then probe your weak points to see whether there is any valid reason for not hiring you. Be prepared with good reasons and some tough questioning by the interviewer.
  7. Some companies adopt a very aggressive, American style approach. They expect you to convince them of how their company would benefit from hiring you and why they should choose you instead of other candidates. Don’t be shocked and too surprised here. You should be more proactive and be prepared to make a presentation on your own behalf.
  8. Don’t take the second interview for granted and assume you are a shoe-in for the job. A different person interviewing you could get a different impression of you or the company may have shortlisted more than 1 candidate.
  9. For first-time job seekers it is important to get good, relevant experience than higher starting pay. With at least 1-year job experience in a large brand name company, your resume would look more impressive in your future job search.
  10. Serve your company well. This is good for your career. It is also good for our company.